Support our efforts to build a sustainable aquaculture business in Timor Leste

We sustainably grow coral and marine fish for coral restoration projects.

What do we do?

We sustainably grow coral and marine fish for aquariums and coral restoration projects. We are trying to build a sustainable aquaculture business. We train and employ Timorese staff in remote parts of the country to build reliance and sustainablity. Our latest coral update report is [link here]. Visit our [Gofundme link] page for other ways to support us. Thank you

Our model is to sell coral harvested from our tables (ie we do not impact local coral reefs) and similarly we sustainably harvest fish from our tables. We are currently looking for support to increase the quantity of our tables. For $50 donation we will install a table and provide monthly status updadtes on the table. For $50 donation and a $10 subscription we will install a table your subscription will support the table. Subscription customers will be able to see the progress of the table over time.

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Angel fish guarding their coral table

Our coral tables support the development of fish colonies.